All Time Favourite Book Characters
on May 18, 2022

Without a favourite character, a novel would be incomplete. When we read a gripping novel, we may develop feelings for the characters to the extent that we change our behaviour accordingly. When we watch a TV show or a movie, we identify with fictitious characters as if they were another "real" person sitting in front of us.
Let us explore some intriguing characters from the fictional world that are well-liked and admired by the majority of readers.
Sherlock Holmes (Sherlock Holmes Series)
While Sherlock Holmes is a character from nineteenth-century Victorian England, the traits that people admire in him are eternal. Holmes is incredibly bright and powerful, but he's also quite human. Holmes is reserved, meticulous, intellectual, analytical, and attentive. In this narrative, he also demonstrates his ability to mix his contemplative and thoughtful temperament with quick action. Because of these factors, Sherlock Holmes remains the most popular fictional detective.
Hermione Jean Granger (Harry Potter Series)
Hermione Granger is one of the most powerful female heroines in pop culture. She defied society's expectations of what a 'perfect woman' is in many ways. She is a determined young woman driven by her desire to excel academically and contribute positively to society. She breaks stereotype after stereotype. She is fearless in her assertions and sticks firmly to her convictions. It is undeniably the attributes of a powerful woman, and it is, for this reason, that we can all identify with her, particularly women.
Atticus Finch (To Kill A Mockingbird)
Atticus is the kind of parent who can answer practically any question. He doesn't pamper or patronise. He conveys everyday values in the most direct way possible. He is a devout parent and an accomplished attorney who performs his obligations with dignity, humility, courage, and honesty. He adheres to his convictions and acts per his conscience.
Elizabeth Bennet (Pride and Prejudice)
Her ability to think and articulate herself has made her a powerful woman willing to battle for her ideals, and what makes her even more fascinating is that she prioritises her family. She is also characterised as attractive, with particularly expressive eyes, but her feisty humour and good judgement are what everyone recognises about her. She is not only beautiful, but she also has a unique personality. She is vivacious but disciplined, always guided by her common sense.
Elizabeth is widely recognised as Austen's most admirable and endearing heroine. Because of her complexity, she is regarded as one of the most cherished characters in British literature.
Harry Potter (Harry Potter Series)
He's a character with whom it's easy to empathise. He's usually incredibly honest and loyal to the people he cares about, always being there for them and doing everything in his power to aid them. He's also a really pleasant person who makes friends easily and keeps them for a long time, sometimes for the rest of his life. Despite years of maltreatment, he is humble and generous, with strong moral beliefs.
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