The Online Book Fair Seminar Line-Up Revealed: Yomi Adegoke to Deliver Keynote Speech
The Online Book Fair Seminar Line-Up Revealed: Yomi Adegoke to Deliver Keynote Speechon Jun 18, 2021

Must-see events at The Online Book Fair include:
Tuesday 22nd June – Industry Insights
- Sustainability from the Publisher’s Perspective. Stephen Lotinga, Chief Executive, The Publishers Association, Siena Parker, Social Impact Director, Penguin Random House, Thea Sherer, Director of Group Communications and Sustainability, Springer Nature, Helen Griggs, Global Director, Environment, Procurement and Supply, Cambridge University Press, Martin Klopstock, Operations Director, Kogan Page. 11:10-11:35
- How has Brexit impacted the bookselling trade so far? Julie Belgrado, Director, European and International Booksellers Federation, Elda Lamberti, International Sales Manager, Gardners, Tomás Kenny, Bookseller, Kennys Bookshop in Galway, Ireland, Jan Smedh, Bookseller, The English Bookshop in Uppsala, Sweden. 12:15-12:40
- Licensing: How to build a brand from a book. Ryan Beaird, CEO,, Thomas Merrington, Creative Director, Penguin Ventures, Rob Wijeratna, Joint Managing Director, Rocket Licensing, Rebecca French, Senior Licensing Manager, The Roald Dahl Story Company, Lauren Sizeland, Head of Licensing & Business Development, Victoria and Albert Museum. 13:25- 14:25
Wednesday 23rd June – Digital Technology: What’s Next for Publishing
- Quick, Quick, Slow: What have been the technological changes in publishing this year? Justine Solomun, Director, Byte The Book, Simon Appleby, Director, Bookswarm, Mark Stay, Host of The Bestseller Experiment, Hermione Ireland, MD, The Académie du Vin Library. 13:30 – 14:30.
- Modernise the Author Experience with a Royalty Statement App. Gregg Guest, Vice President of Product Management, Cloud Platform, FADEL, Paul Gore, Senior Vice President and General Manager, Enterprise Systems for Publishing, FADEL, Devi Gupta, SVP of Marketing & Alliances, FADEL. 15:00 – 15:25.
Thursday 24th June – People Development: Re-Skilling Our Industry, Children’s & Edutainment, The Scholarly Stream
- How to get into publishing. John Baker, Literary Agent, Bell Lomax Moreton. 09:10 – 09:50.
- Closing the gap: Why access to books matters for children around the world. Bodour Al Qasimi, President, International Publishers Association, Sarah Odedina, Editor-at-Large, Pushkin Children’s Books, Pam Dix, Chair, IBBY UK, Alison Tweed, Chief Executive, Chief Executive, Book Aid International, Sita Brahmachari, Writer. 09:30 – 10:10.
- How publishers are transitioning from book-centric to content-led publishing. Kat Coveyduck, Director of Marketing & Communications, Virtusales Publishing Solutions. 12:45-13:10.
- Leading the way in book publishing. Laura Summers, Director, BookMachine, Lance Fitzgerald, VP Content and Business Development, Penguin Random House Audio, Bodour Al Qasimi, President, International Publishers Association, Sanphy Thomas, Managing Director, Jessica Kingsley Publishers & Director of Professional Publishing, John Murray Press, Belinda Rasmussen, Executive Publisher, Macmillan Children’s Books. 13:45 – 14:25.
- Young Adults: Improving mental health and wellbeing through fiction. Professor Anthony Kessel, Public Health Physician, Academic and Author. 14:00 – 14:40.
Tuesday 29th June – In conversation with… IEA Award Winners, Authors: Central to Our Business, Rights Focus
- Playing with Prose: Plot, Character, Setting. Helen Bryant, Founder/Director, Cornerstone Literary Consultancy, Magdalene Abraha, Editorial Manager, Jacaranda, Michael Arditti, Literary Fiction Author, Arcadia Books. 10:15 – 11:00.
- The Art of Crime Writing. Mark Stay, Host of The Bestseller Experiment, Abi Silver, Author of Burton and Lamb series, RJ McBrien, thriller writer, debut novelist & screenwriter for The Bill, Mark Edwards, Bestselling author of Here To Stay, Amazon. 11:55 – 12:40.
- How To Get Published. Becky Hunter, Publicist, Midas, DD Armstrong, Author, Jacaranda, Caitlin Leydon, Literary Agent, Curtis Brown, Lola Shoneyin, Author, Poet and Director of Ake Festival. 13:30 – 14:15.
- YA Spotlight: How To Get Noticed In A Crowded Market. Caroline Carpenter, Journalist, The Bookseller and Chair of YA Prize, Alexandra Christo, Author of To Kill a Kingdom, Bonnier Books, Chloe Gong, Author of These Violent Delights, Hodder, Katherine Corr, Author, Bonnier Books, Elizabeth Corr, Author, Bonnier Books. 15:00 – 15:45.
- Rights2gether@London Book Fair: Celebrating the contribution of rights in a difficult year for publishers. 17:00 – 18:30
- Long Story Short: New Catalan Short Stories in English. 16:00 – 16:25.
- Championing Black Voices and Stories, Past, Present and Future. Valerie Brandes, Founder and CEO, Jacaranda, Magdalene Abraha, Editorial Manager, Jacaranda, Anni Domingo, Breaking The Maafa Chain, Jacaranda, Isabelle Dupuy, Novelist, Living The Dream. 16:35 – 17:15.
Wednesday 30th June – Literary Translation: Making Words Travel, English PEN Literary Salon
- Writers at Risk: Publishing and the Duty of Care. Daniel Gorman, Director, English PEN. 09:15 – 09:55.
- Closing the translation gap: Translating in a second or additional language. Marta Dzuirosz, Literary Translator, Jenna Tang, Literary Translator, American Literary Translators Association, Dr Kavita Bhanot ECR Leverhulme Fellow, Leicester University. 09:40 – 10:10.
- Arabic Literature in Translation. Alexandra Büchler, Director, Literature Across Frontiers, Sandra Hetzl, Maria Pakkala. 11:30 -12:10.
- Who Gets to Translate? Who Gets to Be Translated? Will Forrester, Translation and International Manager, English PEN, Nicholas Glastonbury, Translator, Ka Bradley, Margaux Vialleron. 14:15 – 14:45.
- How To Stop Fascism with Paul Mason. Paul Mason, award-winning Channel 4 presenter and bestselling author of PostCapitalism. 15:30 – 16:00.
Thursday 1st July – Illustrator Focus, The Business of Books
- AOI Illustration Business Masterclass. Rachel Hill, Membership Director, The AOI. 09:00 – 09:45
- The Green Book Alliance: Making the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals a Reality. Karina Urquhart, Executive Director, Book Industry Communication, Sherri Aldis, Chief, United Nations Publications, United Nations, Noah Genner, CEO, BookNet Canade. 11:00 – 12:00.
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