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Delhi Book Fair 2020: Check Dates, Timing & Location

Delhi Book Fair 2020: Check Dates, Timing & Location
on Aug 31, 2020
Delhi Book Fair 2020: Check Dates, Timing & Location
New Delhi, India: Necessity is the mother of all innovation. Keeping in mind the pandemic and the inability to host physical events, Dr. Ashok Gupta Hony. General Secretary FIP i.e. Federation of Indian Publisher has announced a New Delhi Book Fair 2020. The FIP has partnered with pragatiE, an innovative virtual platform for exhibitions, product launches and events for #DBF2020, that will attract a wide array of audience from all over the country & expanding globally will be held on 30th & 31st October 2020.  The federation has tied-up with ITPO to host the Book Fair in Delhi every year since 1995 to give publishers a chance to interact directly with their readers. But due to the current global health crisis and the need to maintain social distancing, the federation has decided to go digital for this anticipated event. Considering that the Indian publishing industry has  usually never been early adopters of technology, this is surely a commendable move by FIP. This new collaboration will bring audiences a never-seen-before and innovative experience to enjoy their favorite New Delhi Book Fair from the comfort of their homes and offices. As the only Indian publisher’s federation registered with International Publishers Association, Geneva, the federation commands an unmatched reputation in the country. The federation has also partnered with Frontlist as its official media partner. Frontlist is India's leading digital magazine that brings you news, latest updates, industry stats, etc. from the global publishing world with an Indian perspective. You are invited to take part in this virtual and magnanimous Book Fair that will host an amalgamation of your favorite authors, writers and publishers. Visit your favorite stalls virtually and buy books at the most attractive prices, like you have done every year. This year, you don't even need to travel. Venue: www.pragatiE.com For Registration Delhi Book Fair 2020 Date: 30th & 31st October, 2020

About Company

The Federation of Indian Publisher was registered as a society in India on 18th July 1974. FIP controls around 80% of India’s publishing industry. As the only publishing house registered with the International publishing association, the federation played a vital role in crowning Delhi the “World Book Capital” title in 2003-’04.

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