// sprintf( // 'Location: https://www.', // $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'], // $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] // ); die; // custom code //echo 'hello';exit; // if (!isset($_SERVER['HTTPS']) || $_SERVER['HTTPS'] !== 'on') { // if(!headers_sent()) { // header("Status: 301 Moved Permanently"); // header(sprintf( // 'Location: https://www.', // $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'], // $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] // )); // exit(); // } // } // if(strpos($uri, "amp") !== false){ // $actual_url = str_replace(["amp/","amp"], "",$uri); // if(!headers_sent()) { // header("Status: 301 Moved Permanently"); // header(sprintf( // 'Location: https://www.', // $host, // $actual_url // )); // exit(); // } // } // End custom code use Illuminate\Contracts\Http\Kernel; use Illuminate\Http\Request; define('LARAVEL_START', microtime(true)); /* |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Check If The Application Is Under Maintenance |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | If the application is in maintenance / demo mode via the "down" command | we will load this file so that any pre-rendered content can be shown | instead of starting the framework, which could cause an exception. | */ if (file_exists(__DIR__.'/../storage/framework/maintenance.php')) { require __DIR__.'/../storage/framework/maintenance.php'; } /* |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Register The Auto Loader |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | Composer provides a convenient, automatically generated class loader for | this application. We just need to utilize it! We'll simply require it | into the script here so we don't need to manually load our classes. | */ require __DIR__.'/../vendor/autoload.php'; /* |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Run The Application |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | Once we have the application, we can handle the incoming request using | the application's HTTP kernel. Then, we will send the response back | to this client's browser, allowing them to enjoy our application. | */ // Custom code for url public $uri = urldecode( parse_url($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], PHP_URL_PATH) ); // if(strpos($uri, "public") !== false){ // $uri = str_replace(["public/","public"], "", $uri); // header("Location: https://www.frontlist.in".$uri."",TRUE,301); // exit(); // } if(strpos($uri, "/public/") !== false){ $uri = str_replace(["public/"], "", $uri); header("Location: https://www.frontlist.in".$uri."",TRUE,301); exit(); } // End custom code for url public $app = require_once __DIR__.'/../bootstrap/app.php'; $kernel = $app->make(Kernel::class); $response = tap($kernel->handle( $request = Request::capture() ))->send(); $kernel->terminate($request, $response);