PVLF Author Excellence Awards

Total Votes : 217744

Voting lines are closed now. The winner will be announced on 14th January, 2023 at the Physical Event.

If you think you have poured your heart out and written a masterpiece, you are eligible for the PVLF Author Excellence Award. This year the awards will be in English as well as Hindi Authors.


  • The Authors can nominate themselves or the Publisher can nominate on their behalf. Every entry can be done into a maximum of 3 categories and the winner of each category shall be decided based on Jury shortlisting & finally a transparent online public voting.

  • Jury will shortlist 5 Authors in each category who will be put for voting on the Frontlist Platform. Public voting will decide the final winner.

  • Author nominations shall begin from June 1st. Voting lines after jury selection shall begin afterwards, we will keep updating here and on our social channels.

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